This Could be a Good Thing

I had an ultrasound appointment today!  It was the most uneventful eventful appointment.  I found out this child could sleep through an earthquake and Armageddon.  We spent the entire video attempting to wake the baby up and we lost.  Maybe that is a good thing?  Maybe a sleeper?  I could only hope!  Enjoy!


Week 14

I am officially in the second trimester!  Woohoo!  Okay well it was yesterday but I was too busy to add a post then. 
According to Babycenter.com :
This week's big developments: Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process he'll keep up until birth. He can grasp, too, and if you're having an ultrasound now, you may even catch him sucking his thumb.
Pretty neat things going on in there.  I was on the babycenter website and one of the member's documented her baby gender pee test.  Kind of weird but still curious.  She took two different brands of the gender pee test.  Did her duty and both test showed a boy results.  She went to the doctors and the U/S confirmed that it is was indeed a boy.  Supposedly it is 90% accurate but you should paint the walls until the the doctor confirms the results and or the baby is born.  I told Kevin about it and he just about threw me out the door to go get one of the test. 

I have yet to get one but I can see how easy it is to spend tons of money double and triple checking.  Maybe one for fun.  I am not sure yet. 

Party Party

We finally had a free weekend and threw J his birthday party.  Thankfully the weather was bearable and the sun was out giving us a little warmth.  The kids had a blast at the park.  Great weather, kiddos, games, candy, cake, and a fully equipped park is the complete package needed for a super birthday.  The kiddos dressed up.  J was Darth Vader, we had a Spider Man, a cheerleader, Tigger, Wolverine, a pirate,  a Roman soldier, a flapper, and a skeleton diva at the party.
Kevin grilled hamburger and hot dogs, my friends helped set up, and Sharon and I made the cakes.  Glad the sun sets early in the fall because I was beat by four!


Happy Veteran's Day

Here are snip-its from elementary students thank you letters:

"I hope you are safe and not getting hurt."
"I hope you beat them til their heads come off."
"Thank you for keeping us safe."
"They are probably setting a plan to get you, be ready."
"I was sad because I thought you didn't have food.  But now you have food and I am happy."
"Thank you for fighting for our freedom."
"I hope to grow up and help just like you.  Good Luck."
"Thank you for all you been doing for us."
"When I grow up, I will join the Army to protect people too."
"I hope you win this war so we don' have to be kidnapped."
"I hope you beat the crap out of the evil people.
"If I could I would send you a lot of stuff and if I did I hope you like it."

Kids are so unpredictable.


Boy or Girl?

What will the baby be?  Oh, what will the baby be?  No preference on my side.  The hubby is hoping for a boy and the rest of my friends and my immediate family want a girl. 

What I do want is to know!  I hate the waiting game.  I would prefer to know how I am going to decorate the room.  I have themes picked out and a vision that needs to be made a reality!

Baby boy will have a fire fighter themed room.

Baby girl witll have a Paris themed room.

The furniture will be the same regardless of the sex.  The Jenny Lind Spindle Crib, a black washed 5 drawer chest, and a black spindle rocking chair. 

I haven't decided on the paint on the walls.  Right now I have a soft green color, it will definitely need to be changed.  White, eggshell?  I don't know...

Knowing the sex would help.  Okay no it wouldn't; I don't see myself painting the walls pink. 

Paris or fire fighter?  Fire fighter or Paris?   We will see!


Kappa Delta Pi

Tonight I was initiated into the International honor society in the field of education.  I accepted the invitation last semester but was unable to attend the initiation due to my deployment overseas.  I was glad to take a moment to reflect on the hard work I have put into my education and it was definitely a pick me up to strive to end the semester strong.  I am behind in work which I completely hate and I hope that I will have healthier days ahead to catch up and be done very soon!


Blogger Stalker

To my self proclaimed blogger stalker:
You know who you are.  I've heard about your complaint and have been working on posting more thoughts and stories.  I think you should start your own blog.  Your story is amazing.  I remember seeing your Bank of America run and the spark that came from that.  It was Bank of America tower run, right? 

I know we don't talk much but I am happy to know that you find interest in my blogs and I wanted you to know that you are a true inspiration.  I can't deny spending countless moments looking over running information and wishing I had the drive to start a journey as yours.

Congrats on the NYCM!  What an amazing adventure you will have this weekend.  Document it, not everyone will be able to able to say that they accomplished such a feat. 

Good Luck.

Time to beat:
Freddie Prinze Jr. 5:50:49

Got Zzzzzz?

I sleep and feel restless in the morning.  The last three days have been miserable!  I have had that crazy person look in the morning.  Eyes blood shot red, my limbs barely useful, and the whole Quasimodo thing going on.  

This post is not about that!

The baby's crib arrived today.  Yay for us!  The iron crib was beautiful but ridiculously expensive for an item that will be used for about 18 months if that.  I thought about it and decided to go with the Jenny Lind Spindle Crib.  We bought it in black to be gender friendly and I just love the look of it!  It reminds me of the cribs my siblings and I used as babies.  Still vintage looking, beautiful in its design, and on sale for $99.  I know.  Awesome.


Happy Day After Elections!

I know some are happy for today and others have well...lost hope for the American people.  I will tell you what I think.  I am happy that I get to stop hearing this extreme level of party bashing and nastiness.  It is embarrassing and completely a turn off.  I know that people are still going to talk bad about the parties but for some reason it is unbelievably tacky during elections.

Maybe... if just for a second... we evaluate this massive divide in our country... we may conclude that some of our problems are branching from that!  I don't know, just a hunch.  I could be wrong.

However, I do know that after the hoots and hollers and rants and raves of today, most of the commotion will die down.  We become this extreme group making a difference at the polls but after most of us get home from the polls we hang our skin on the coat rack until next election.  There will be no support.  We will not see this mass gaggle still supporting their party.  The town halls will not be anymore packed and causes will be expected to be taken care of by our officials.

Am I wrong?  Could be.  But lets see. 

My guess is that next election we still will not be pleased and will blame each other again.


Happy 9th Birthday!

Today is J's birthday.  My goodness, time has flown by so quick.  I remember that he decided to grace the world on a Friday of a 3 day weekend.  See, even from the beginning he planned his actions!  He was a great baby, I can say that he was very mild and easy to please! 

When I think back at his first years, I see his chipmunk cheeks and this great big smile that lit up the room. He was his uncle's little fence partner from the moment he could walk.  I remember watching them sword fight in the living room.  Oh the good ol' days.  J would watch Chicago with me and even dance to the music; just as long as we could watch Blue's Clues afterward. 

I still see him that way; although he is now officially 9.  I guess that is what parents do.  We enjoy our children but deep down we still see them as the young toddlers they were.  I cried during his kindergarten graduation.  I was happy to see him achieve so much and yet sad that my baby was no longer a baby!

Today he is 9.  His likes have changed.  I haven't seen him pick up a fencing sword since he was one and blue's clues is a vague memory.  However, we get to see him get excited about sports, excel in his academics, and blossom into this great child!  He is a phenomenal reader; He reads leisurely daily and the books can not come in the home fast enough.  He is passionate about his beliefs just as much as he is passionate about helping others.  He has this heart for humanity and a level head that will get him anywhere!

I am excited to see what he will grow up to be!  His potential is limitless and he can achieve whatever his heart desires.  I love my caring gentleman!  I am and will always be proud of him.