I know some are happy for today and others have well...lost hope for the American people. I will tell you what I think. I am happy that I get to stop hearing this extreme level of party bashing and nastiness. It is embarrassing and completely a turn off. I know that people are still going to talk bad about the parties but for some reason it is unbelievably tacky during elections.
Maybe... if just for a second... we evaluate this massive divide in our country... we may conclude that some of our problems are branching from that! I don't know, just a hunch. I could be wrong.
However, I do know that after the hoots and hollers and rants and raves of today, most of the commotion will die down. We become this extreme group making a difference at the polls but after most of us get home from the polls we hang our skin on the coat rack until next election. There will be no support. We will not see this mass gaggle still supporting their party. The town halls will not be anymore packed and causes will be expected to be taken care of by our officials.
Am I wrong? Could be. But lets see.
My guess is that next election we still will not be pleased and will blame each other again.
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