Being at home and making money.

Staying at home can be one of the most rewarding jobs a parent can chose.  The children will be around a main care giver throughout the day and the guilt of letting someone else raise your child in nonexistent.  I have been blessed to be home the last four months with my beautiful bundle of joy.  I did not have the chance to be at home with my now nine year old, so I understand the guilt of not being there and I can completely cherish the opportunity I have now.  The hardest part about transitioning from my old ways is that I liked to financially contribute to the household.  I have worked and contributed to the finances throughout my entire marriage and it can be hard to let go of those extra funds. 

The Spark:
I have been quite busy lately with crafting and creating.  My friend and I have been busy working and we put together a fantastic nursing cover.  The idea began when I was on a weekend trip and left my nursing cover at the hotel.  My neighbor is amazing with the sewing machine and I called her over to see about making the nursing cover.  We bought fabric, ribbons, buttons, d rings, and other sewing goodies.  This project started simple.  We had a nursing cover completed and it was beautiful.  Shortly followed the matching burp cloth with all its glory and then we let our imagination run wild.

The Flame:
We now make Nursing Cover/Baby Blankets with matching burp cloths.

The nursing covers double as a baby blanket (which helps lighten the load in the baby bag).  The blanket comes with two attached buttons in which the adjustable straps attach to when nursing and is easily removed when used as a blanket.  The burp cloths are made with the same fabric as the cover/blanket and are beautifully combined with ribbon.

My friend (who is just about a SAHM as well) and I are really excited about selling our craft to mothers who are looking for a product that is as unique and trendy as themselves.

I am happy to be a SAHM and I am also excited about the opportunity to help financially provide with side projects such as this one!


Four days shy of four months.

So much time has past since my last blog.  I have been back and forth with posting and have had a struggle with the idea of sharing with everyone.  I guess I have really enjoyed the time I am spending with Noah and although I know someone out there would really like an update, I just wanted to be selfish.

Noah will turn 4 months soon.  I just cannot express how sad I am that time is passing quickly by with no remorse on who it leaves behind.  It feels like it was just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital.  He was little and fragile.  Now he is learning about the world around him and flourishing everyday.  Just the last 3 days has been an adventure for him.  He has learned to roll over from his back to his stomach and he spends all day perfecting his new skill.  His hands are amazing to him, he has discovered them and now swats at his toys, grabs everything close to him with a death grip, and chews on them with no end in sight.  He coos and attempts to reply when spoken to.  He looks attentively at the movement and the mechanics of the mouth when someone is speaking to him.  It is as if he would utter the exact same words if he could.  I love watching him grow and learn.

My handsome Johnathan has begun the new school year on a high note.  He has been chosen as the classroom ambassador, student counsel representative, and his classroom go to tech person.  He is really excited about all his roles and I am happy that he wants to be involved in his school and wants to help other students succeed in the classroom.  I am honored to have such a proactive child to call my own.  His test scores from last year's standardized testing have returned and Johnathan has scored exceptionally well.  He will recognized at an awards banquet later this month.   I am proud of him and all his accomplishments!

As for me.  I have been tired and dragging to find my footing.  I have spent just about the last 5 years running nonstop.  I was determined to get a college degree and be an active parent in my son's school life.  I juggled many hats and for those that know me, understand that just making it is not my normal attitude.  I couldn't just make it, I wanted to apply all my efforts to reap as much academic achievement has possible.  I ran myself to the ground.  I am tired.  Exhausted. 

But I am also extremely glad how everything worked out.