Almost 5 Years in the Making

College has been an adventure.  I loved the first two years of my college career.  While others moaned when they had to take those general educational courses, I was elated.  I loved my speech class and my science courses where interesting.  My Comp writing courses were a breath of fresh air.  I loved how I could choose my own topic and write papers on my choice topics until my heart was content.  Call me crazy but I loved the freedom.

The next two and a half years I entered and completed my degree in the College of Education.  The series of courses that I had to take were a bit more demanding than my previous two years of college.  When I say a bit more demanding, I mean it took away most of my personal free time.  Do not get me wrong, my experiences were profound and I learned so much from my experiences in the College of Education but I am relieved that my brain can finally take a break for a while.  I spent plenty of hours in the books and not enough hours in bed.  Even my professors would suggest that I take a break and close the books at an earlier time.  That was just impossible.  I was not satisfied with turning in mediocre work or even work that was "just enough."  I couldn't do it!  Sometimes I wish I could and I would even ALMOST turn in work below my own expectations and I would fold and produce a satisfying product.

I learned a great deal in my educational courses.  I understand the development of children and the process of children under the age of 13.  I feel this will be of a benefit with my new addition in my home as well as my nine year old son.  I look forward to entering my own classroom in the future and I am excited on my future educational endeavors!

I'm Back!!

After taking a two month "break," I am hoping to start blogging again.  So much has happened during the two months of hiatus; I finished off my internship, graduated and received my bachelor's degree, and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.  I have plenty to share and I will catch you up in later post.  Right now I need to head to bed, the baby is unpredictable with his feeding schedule.