Expensive taste

I was really set on having the baby's room very vintage in furniture.  I wanted an iron crib and an aged chest.  Have you seen the prices on iron beds?  I was so off on the price.  But just look at the craftsmanship!  It is beyond beautiful and everything I would have wanted.  Now the price would not be too bad for someone else but it is not in my budget.  Just admire it though.  It was worth my dream.  Now directing my energy on a wooden crib with the same effect.


11 weeks

Yesterday marked our 11th week of pregnancy.  This pregnancy has been rough.  They say that the second trimester marks the best part of the pregnancy.  2 more weeks.  I will be waiting for some miraculous health transformation.  13 days.  I can do it! 

Met my doctor last week.  I am not too sure how I feel about him.  Rushed in and out.  Very systematic.  Before I knew it, he was gone.  I will give him another chance and he is staying until I am satisfied not the other way around.  His nurses are amazing but he didn't even ask if I had any concerns.  I didn't even have a chance to open my mouth.  Next appointment, I am going to tell him to sit down. 

13 days!  13 days!  13 days!


Life as we know it.

This Sunday I went to the movies and watched Life As We Know It.  I really enjoyed the movie but I found it very sad.  Tonight, while watching Private Practice the topic came up again.  Orphaned children.  What happens to your children if something were to happen to you?  I have had a Will since I was 19 years of age and I have thought long and hard about who I would leave my children with.  Can that change?  What happens if that person has a change of heart or like in the movie, the people you choose are conflicted about the life change they will have to endure by taking your children in? 

Death is something that we choose not to think about but I believe should be planned in advanced. 

I guess I am a soft heart at knowing children are in the system because conditions cannot permit them to have a home.  I know that it is okay for someone to choose not to help but I cannot help but feel like I am being selfish with what I have been given because I have yet to open my home to a child in need of a forever home. 

No child should suffer the loss of their parents at in early age but they should also not suffer the instability of not having a family either.  Be it blood or love.


I love hate you

We are now in our 8th week!  Elbows, hands, feet, and eyelids!  So excited I can just vomit.  Maybe not that excited but close enough.  This last 4 weeks have been wonderfully nauseating.  My doctor prescribed me some anti nausea medication that worked amazing the first day.  The end with that.  Hopefully I  will be over this before the second trimester.

Yes, one more thought!  I love hate food.  It actually scares me at the moment.  Everything taste awkward and makes my stomach upset.  So far tomatoes and lettuce are yummy; everything else not so much.

Anyone found a natural remedy for nausea?

Oh yes and I am thirsty all day, water makes me sick too.



September 29, 2010 was my first official appointment with my doctor. 

Highlights of the visit:
Had my ultrasound done before I filled out all my paperwork! 
The visit was impressively close to my scheduled time.
The nurse practitioner was very thorough with the process.
My due date changed by 2 days.  Now we are at May 16, 2011.
We got to see the little peanut, hear the strong heartbeat, and got two pictures of the ultrasound.

Down side:  Excuse me doc but who schedules the first visit on your day off?

The hubby and I decided it was time to tell J about it.  He took the news like the champ I knew he would be!  He is excited and is already wishing for a brother to teach things to.  We've allowed him time to tell his friends and school about the news.  It sure didn't take him long to get the news around.  His principal congratulated me the very next day.  I love kids.  J is really going to be a tough act to follow!  He has been discussing names at school and comes home to share the results.  I am proud that he is proud.  I could not ask for anything more!

I also gave my mom the "okay" to tell her friends and family.  How does my mom go about sharing the news?  She puts it in the Church bulletin!  LOL.  I already received a phone call about the bulletin.  Priceless.  I guess that is what I get for making her wait a whole month.

So today is the day.  I figure it will not be long before everyone knows our news.   My job knows, my hubby has been spreading his wonderful news to everyone, and now between J and my mom the rest will know. 

To all my friends and family:
Today is the day I tell all of you.  Of course, if you visit the blog from my fb post you are the first to know.  For everyone who chose not to check out my posted link.  Too bad for you.

Love you all!