Small Life, Big Purpose

The delivery was perfect, but my little man needed time in the NICU after birth to be in the best of health to be sent home.  We spent 10 days at the hospital.  When I planned my stay I allotted for two days in the hospital, so 10 days with an infant in the NICU was a very big deal.  I stayed at the hospital the entire time.  I visited every 3 hours for feedings and stayed with him for an hour during my visits. 12, 3, 6, and 9 were numbers I became well acquainted with during that time.  I spoke with doctors and nurses and visited with other mommies and their babies and enjoyed taking a peek at the new babies that surrounded me.

You were his precious little neighbor.  So small but your story was grand.  I remember talking with the other NICU moms and seeing your progression through photos.  It was beautiful to glance in on you while I visited Noah.  So small all, 4 months of you.  The Family Room celebrated your monthly milestones; I got to share them through stories.  Sometimes you would fuss and cry and a nurse would check in on you, comfort you, and visit for a while.  You would get so upset and your whole body would flush!  You made sure you were heard.

I still get choked up thinking about you.  Who wouldn't?  I cry as I type this because your mother's cries still ring in my ears.  I never met her and when I finally could have had a chance of meeting her, you became very ill and they closed you in a room with her by your side.  You were on the schedule to go home several times, but your health gave in right before each departure and the hospital had to keep you for a bit longer. 
You grandparents and other family members came to say good bye. As I visited with Noah,  I would say a tiny prayer for you.  How can someone so young and fought so hard to live leave us so early? 

The day you passed was the longest and emotional day during our stay at the hospital.  I held my son and thanked God that He was giving me an extra day with him.  I prayed that God would bless my son with outstanding health, and I prayed that your mother would heal from the loss of her very first child.  No mother should have to deal with the loss of a child and your passing stirred the inner fears of all us whose children were in NICU. 

I want to thank you.  Thank you for reminding me to cherish every moment.  Thank you for reminding me to take a moment and even watch my little ones sleep.  I watch my boys and soak in every detail of their being.  I try to take pictures in my mind and file that memory so I can visit it later.  Noah is nine months and I stayed home this entire time with him.  I think a large portion of my decision has to do with you.  I was determine to start my career, but after you taught me how precious life is I decided to enjoy Noah's first year of life.  Thank you for reminding me what is important in life.

One more thing, I absolutely did not forget you.  I want to wish you a happy belated birthday. 


Music for my Soul

Music transcends through every day barriers.  Language has no hold on the melodic rhythm that speaks to tongues of all languages.  I love seeing my little one so involved in the art that moves all souls.


Piling the Milestones

So this week has been quite the week!

Noah has been clapping away, splashing in the tub, and now pulling himself up!

So proud!!

 First Time at the Movies! 1/13/12
Momma was playing with baby's hair!


8 months!

Is this not the cutest baby ever?

Happy 8 months baby boy!  I am so proud of the milestones he has achieved this month.
Just the other day he lifted himself from the floor and sat up!
He also got off the sofa to explore the living room floor.
He halfway crawls (hardwood floors do not help the crawling process) around the house now.
He spent all this month under the Christmas tree pulling the ornaments off the tree.
He plays with one of his Christmas toys ALL DAY; all the push buttons and music intrigues him.
So far in your short time you have visited: Texas, Missouri, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Oklahoma (we are taking a short break on trips!)
Baby boy has started his frequent flyer miles too!

We are still waiting for teeth and puree food are not his thing.  Adding food to his diet is not going as smoothly as expected but we are working at Noah's pace.  No rush.


Events and Memories.

I hope you are having a fantastic 2012!  My family and I have been trying to get back into the swing of routine since the holidays, and I have been busy spending way too much time planning a grocery savings plan. (I will explain it when I figure it out!)

On to other topics!!

My eldest has been involved in all parts of his school life and has some G-R-E-A-T news to S-H-A-R-E!
He is the spelling bee champion of his school and will go on to compete at the county level.  We couldn't be any prouder of our Spelling Bee Champ!

 Proud Spelling Bee Champion! 1/9/12
At the local nature center  1/7/12

Ready the Christmas festivities!

Our little one has been on the road of independence this month.  I am sad to announce that he is getting less baby-like every day.  Just as I type this, he has attempted to dismount the sofa the correct way and I believe may have succeeded if he was barefoot.  None the less, he just got tired of being on the sofa and did something about it!! What is up with that?  Baby Noah is also dealing with separation anxiety during his exploration of independence.  As he gets bolder with traveling around the home, he turns to find me and if he is unsuccessful with locating my whereabouts he makes it known!!  Lets just say that on his way to find his freedom he found his high pitch scream.

Months Memories:
Enjoying the Christmas Dinner at Church
Momma and baby bear relaxing at home
Big brother watching little one while I clean house
Abuela enjoying Christmas Eve
The chefs all dressed for the evening
Abuela and Abuela 12/24/11
Christmas Day 2011
NYE 2011
Learning to fish on 1/7/12